How Grasshopper Was Set Free

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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Mr. Grasshopper was hopping along gaily one day when he landed right in the middle of a spider web. This did not seem serious at first. The web didn’t look very strong, and his back legs were powerful. Surely he could get out in a few kicks, but somehow every kick only tangled him more in that strange sticky web.
A moment later a black spider appeared from a hole in the ground. Running across the web he came right up to poor Mr. Grasshopper and bit him. It stung, and soon Mr. Grasshopper began to feel himself grow strange and weak so that he could hardly kick any more.
That might have been the end of poor Grasshopper if a kind lady had not been watching what was going on. She knew poor Grasshopper could not save himself and that he would die. So before Spider could sting him again, she reached out her hand, lifted Grasshopper free of the web and set him on the ground.
At first Grasshopper’s hop was a little weak, but each hop grew stronger until he had got far away from that dread spot. Spider was very excited and angry at losing his prisoner, but if you or I could have talked to Grasshopper after his deliverance, we would have found him a most thankful and happy fellow.
Satan too spins webs—webs of temptation and sin. Those little threads of sin may seem frail at first, but they become terribly strong if one continues in them, and only the blessed Lord Jesus can break them and set one free. Satan knows what kind of a web to spin to catch boys and girls and older people too. He knows what temptation will best snare each of us.
The Lord Jesus is stronger than Satan. He came into this world, bound the strong man (Satan), and ever since then He has been setting his prisoners free. He is the only Saviour. He is the only One who can set you free from sin and Satan’s power; and as that kind lady reached out and saved poor Grasshopper, so we read, “The Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1. Trust in the Lord for salvation!
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36.