How Shall We Answer the Lord?

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
Listen from:
Psalms 94 and 95
Here are some questions for us to answer: “He that planteth (or placed) the ear, shall not He hear?” “He that formed the eye, shall not He see?”
“He that chastiseth the heathen, shall not He correct?”
“He that teacheth man knowledge, shall not He know?”
Surely we must answer “Yes”, to all these questions; the Creator of all the world must see, hear, correct and know all people and things. He has given men knowledge to search out and learn much of the wonders of all things, yet people often foolishly think that all is by their own wisdom.
The Lord not only sees, hears, corrects and knows all, but He also has ways to speak to all, as we learn in the next Psalm: “For the Lord is a great God... In His hand are the deep places of the earth; the strength of the hills is His also. The sea is His, and He made it; and His hands formed the dry land.” Ps. 95:3-5.
If you have seen a high mountain, or a very deep cave, or a great ravine or chasm, or the ocean, you wonder about them. These are as voices to speak to us of the greatness of the Creator.
God also spoke in real words by Moses, David, and others, that people would know of His care and will, and He had those words written that they should not be forgotten.
Then at last, God spoke in the greatest way of all by sending His own Son, the Lord Jesus, whose voice when on earth called for all to believe. His words were also written and kept, so when you hear, or read the Bible you are hearing God’s voice.
If our father or mother call, you answer promptly. What are you to do when the Lord of all speaks? Here is what He tells us not to do;
“Today, if ye will hear His voice harden not your heart.” Psa. 95:7,8.
Those same words are found four times in the Bible, so must be very important. Do you think you could make your heart hard toward God, whose love has been told in all these ways? Yes, you may, and it is the saddest thing as, boy or girl or man or woman, can do. Suppose you hear about God’s love today, and you listen for a while, then you say to yourself, “I will not believe or think more of that today;” the next, time you hear or read God’s words, you do not feel quite so much care, your heart is getting a little harder, and you put off again to believe Him; soon you will not care at all to listen to His words; there will be no tender thoughts for Him: your heart will be hardened.
When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He wondered at the unbelief (or hardness) of men who heard His words and saw His kind deeds, yet would not believe. (Mark 6:6).
When we hear God’s words, if we believe Him, we will each answer in our hearts, “Lord, I believe;” then we will speak to others of Him and sing His praise.
ML 11/24/1940