It is now nearly two years since the Lord showed me myself. About that time God was working mightily in my home, saving several of my brothers and sisters, and seeing them rejoicing in the Saviour they had found, made me long to know the blessed peace and joy that they possessed.
There was a mission being held in the church, which I attended, and there I heard the glad tidings of salvation to lost sinners proclaimed. The preacher spoke from those words in Hebrews 2: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” and asked us how we thought we were going to escape, if we went on neglecting such salvation. “How shall you escape?” again he said. These words sank deep into my heart; I shall never forget how I trembled when he uttered them, for it made me wonder how I should escape.
After the meeting was over, I returned home, feeling very miserable on account of my sins, and went to my room and knelt down by the side of my bed, and tried to pray. But I felt I could not, for the burden of sin was so great, and Satan tried to delude me by telling me that I was as good as others, and that if I kept on trying I should get to heaven at last. This did not satisfy the longing I had within. I had been under conviction of sin for about a week, when I heard that grand and glorious verse, John 3:16, “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.” O, how I received those words of life! They seemed to come straight from God to my sin-sick soul.
I was going out at the close of the meeting, when a young man at the door asked me if I were saved. I felt I could not answer him, although I knew not why. I went home, and again at my bedside poured out my heart to God. Then the burden rolled away forever, as our blessed Lord showed me that coming to Him I must put all thoughts of self away, and trust entirely to Him. All that night I could hardly sleep, I was so overwhelmed with the newfound joy I had in believing.
Shortly afterward Satan seemed to whisper to me, “You are not saved after all.” This made me very unhappy, and I began to wonder if I really was saved. Then the Spirit of God led me to that verse, 1 John 5:13, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” These blessed words removed all doubts and fears, and gave me full assurance. Now I can rejoice, knowing that my blessed Saviour has saved my never-dying soul. In a little while I shall dwell with Him in glory, where all sorrow and suffering shall be done away with; but during this little while He has left me down here, my desire is to work for Him, and to tell of His love, and willingness to save all who come to Him.
O, dear reader, if you would be saved, it must be by the precious blood of Christ, that flowed on Calvary! Can you go on unheeding the blessed Saviour who has done so much for sinners? O, come and trust Him, and may the Saviour that I have found be your Saviour too! I can say from experience that I knew no true joy until I was saved, and belonged to the Lord. His people rejoice in Him now, and also in knowing that they shall dwell with Him through the unending ages of eternity.