(Mark 5:25-34.)
IT was a sad case; to all appearance there was no help for her. Hopeless, and penniless, with no one to turn to in her last extremity,
of Jesus, the Great Physician, the Healer of body and soul. Mixing faith with what she heard,
to Jesus. Her desperate need brought her to Him, and putting faith into action,
His garment. Happy moment for the poor woman, in the personal company of Jesus, the only One who could possibly heal her body and meet the deep need of her soul. In a moment of time a change had taken place;
... she was healed, she knew and realized what was done in her.
“She came in fear and trembling before Him, —
She knew her Lord had come;
She felt that from Him virtue had healed her, —
The mighty deed was done.
Oh! touch the hem of His garment,
And thou too shalt be free;
His saving power this very hour,
Shall give new life to thee.”
Dear reader, this is the way that the blessed Saviour can meet the need of your precious soul. Not by any merits of your own can you obtain the salvation of God; it must be your sense of need that brings you to Himself, there to find, not an accuser, but One who is in very truth
Come then, dear soul, to this Jesus of whom you have heard; by faith touch Him, and your burden of sins will roll away, and you can then sing, with the writer of these few lines: ―
O Christ, in Thee my soul hath found,
And found in Thee alone,
The peace, the joy, I sought so long,
The bliss till now unknown.
Now none but Christ can satisfy,
None other name for me!
There’s love, and life, and lasting joy,
Lord Jesus, found in Thee.
S. E. B.