How She Puzzled Her Father

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A FATHER was surprised to see his young daughter, a bright, cheery child weeping bitterly, as if overcome by a great sorrow.
“What is wrong with you?” inquired the father.
“I am a sinner, papa; and if I die as I am, I shall never go to heaven.” The father was quite annoyed at the child’s statement, and asked,
“Who told you that?”
“The governess.”
“I won’t allow such things to be taught in my house,” said the indignant parent. He at once rang the bell, and gave instructions that the groom should saddle his daughter’s pony, and accompany her for a ride. Then turning to the troubled child he said:
“Go and ride that nonsense out of your head.”
Three hours afterwards the father entered the room where the child sat, and asked if she had got rid of her “nonsense.”
“No,” was the reply.
“What, then, have you been doing?”
“I went to the cemetery and measured a number of the graves, and found that some of them were those of children younger than myself.” Then, looking up, with tears streaming down her cheeks, she said: “O, papa, I am a sinner before God, and if I die as I am, I shall be lost. If you died tonight would you go to heaven, papa?”
The question was carried home in the power of the Holy Spirit to the parent’s heart.
“If you died tonight would you go to heaven?” rang in his ear. If he were to die as he was, he knew he was unfit for heaven. Where, then, would he go if he were suddenly summoned into Eternity? He knew that there were but two destinies.
The first impulse was to call for the governess, who immediately appeared. The gentleman explained that he and his daughter had discovered their true spiritual condition, and earnestly inquired what they had to do to be saved. The governess was delighted to be privileged to tell the seeking ones the glorious Gospel of God’s matchless grace. As she spoke of Christ being lifted up on Calvary’s cross as a sacrifice for sin, and through believing on Him who “finished” the mighty work of atonement and paid the ransom, they would be pardoned and saved, the light of the glorious gospel of Christ entered their souls, the darkness was dispelled, and they were saved, and the love of God was shed abroad in their hearts.
“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinner.” 1 Tim. 1:15.
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
ML 05/15/1927