Q. Heb. 10:5. D. S. Invites remark on current lowerings of the Holy Person of our Lord, and the attempt of some unhappy men in our day, as in times gone by, to insinuate that because He was truly and perfectly a man, His body was a dying body like any other's, and Himself all his life under the curse of God, not merely made a curse on the cross
A. I agree with our brother that such views are the fruit of the enemy's effort to dishonor the Son of God on the side of His humanity; that capable of dying the Lord was, and that as a fact, (the blessed foundation of all our peace and hopes, as well as the vindication of God's grace and truth in dealing with men,) He died, as every believer knows and confesses; but that this is quite distinct from being, like a sinful man, per se under a necessity of dying; and that, whatever the importance to us, and the divine perfection of His ways of goodness and holy suffering during His life, never till the cross did He suffer atoningly, never was He forsaken of God but there and then. Ignorance is one thing, and, more or less, is our common lot; opposition to fully declared light of God, is quite another. Thus, some have even held that our Lord went into the hell of the damned to suffer there, else His work had not been complete. But it would be a very different thing, now that the truth as to atonement is better understood, for people to systematize crotchets like this. Such antagonism to truth is the enemy's work, and tends to heresy. Though an old and abused form, it is none the less of value to bear in mind that the true faith is that we worship.