One night a young man came into a Gospel meeting earnestly inquiring, "What must I do to be saved?"
"You are too late," said a friend to the anxious inquirer.
"Oh, don't say that," exclaimed the young man, "for I must find salvation. I would do anything or go anywhere to obtain it."
"I can't help it," said the other; "you are too late. Your eternal salvation was accomplished many hundred years ago in the Person of Jesus Christ, and it is a finished work. All you have to do is simply to accept it, for you have done nothing and can do nothing to merit salvation. It is God's free gift to all who receive His Son."
The anxious inquirer laid hold of this great salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He accepted the proffered gift, owning his unworthiness, but trusting Jesus, who can "save to the uttermost all that come unto God by Him."