WHO does not enjoy a little time in the country, where all around seems so fresh and green, the farm-yard so full of life, the birds singing in the trees and everything to speak of God’s goodness and care! As we look at the picture before us, we see the pleasant look on the woman’s face, and the expression of joy by the little children as they are all occupied with the fine baby cows, so eager to get a drink of milk from the bucket. These are hungry little calves, and we are glad to see they are, and that they have such an appetite.
Don’t you think we may learn a lesson from these little creatures? I believe we may. They know who brings them milk, and as soon as the woman comes out with it, they all run to her. Yes, you say, they know what is good, but what is the lesson? Well, I will ask you a question. What is it that we should hunger and thirst after? Is it the trees, the flowers, the birds or all the rest of the good things around us? These are all very good and we should thank God for them, but there is one thing we should be as desirous of having, as those little creatures are of their milk. The Scripture says,
It is for us to seek to know God’s ways which are given to us in His word, for His ways are ways of righteousness, peace and wisdom; and it is by going in His ways that we can be happy and satisfied. His word shows us the way of salvation, which is through Jesus Christ alone, and that eternal salvation is ours by simply believing in Jesus as the One who died for us. Then when we have found Jesus as our own Saviour, it is for us to take the word of God for our guide through our whole life, and we shall find real lasting joy and satisfaction.
“Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” Jer. 15:16.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Ps. 119:105.
May you, dear children, take your delight in His word and you will find it a light for you through this life, guiding you in paths of righteousness and giving you true wisdom.
ML 12/28/1924