I Am the Door

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IN a town, some boys were in the habit of meeting together for prayer. A little girl was passing, and heard them sing. She stopped to listen, and thinking it was an ordinary prayer meeting, she felt anxious to get in. Putting up her hand she pulled the latch, but it would not open; it was fastened inside. She became very uneasy, and the thought arose in her mind,
“What if this were the door of heaven, and me outside?” She went home, but could not sleep that night.
Day after day she became more troubled at the thought of being shut out of heaven. She went from one meeting to another, and found no rest. At length, one day reading the 10th of John, she came to the words,
“I am the door.” She paused, and read the verse again and again. Here was the very door she was seeking, and wide open, too; and she entered it and found peace.
Dear reader, have you entered by that blessed door, the way to heaven and God? Jesus says,
“I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” John 10:9.
ML 12/17/1933