(John 11:25).
LIGHTLY tread, the day is breaking,
Dwell not on your sorrows now;
Soon shall cloudless morn awaking
Chase the sadness from your brow:
He is coming―
Heart and knee to Jesus bow!
Did not Mary lay her sorrow
Low before the Master’s feet?
Sore her wound, and dark her morrow,
‘Reft on earth of love so sweet:
With her burden
Thus she came her Lord to meet.
Ah! she knew not all the glory
Hid beneath that lowly guise;
Knew not that her heart’s sad story
Soon would end in glad surprise:
Burst upon her ravished eyes!
‘Tis the great I AM who standeth
Now beside that rocky tomb;
‘Tis His voice that loud commandeth
Lazarus from the dead to come!
Thus His glory
Shines above the deepest gloom.
Precious Saviour! through Thy dying
Vanquished are the foe’s dark powers;
And, Thy name still magnifying,
Grace brings forth exhaustless stores:
At Thy coming,
Life and incorruption ours.
Eyes to see Thee, ears to hear Thee,
Voices tuned to heavenly lays;
Thus to dwell forever near Thee,
Learning all Thy wondrous ways;
To Thee rendering,
With the Father, perfect praise!