"I Don't Understand It!"

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 4
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FOR GOD, the Lord of earth and heaven,
SO LOVED, and longed to see forgiven,
THE WORLD, in sin and pleasure mad,
THAT HE GAVE the greatest gift He had,
HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to take our place
THAT WHOSOEVER oh, what grace!
BELIEVETH, placing simple trust
IN HIM, the Righteous and the Just,
SHOULD NOT PERISH lost in sin,
John 3:16
We found Gordon in his wheelchair in the lobby of the nursing home. We had often visited him and shared his delight in talking about the Lord Jesus.
After we greeted him, he said, “Do you remember that calendar you gave me with a verse on it?”
“Yes, I do.”
“It said, ‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ I don’t understand it!”
We were puzzled. Gordon was a Christian and not ashamed of his Lord. He enjoyed talking about Him and visiting with other believers, but now he was saying he did not understand a verse like John 3:16!
“I don’t know why you say you don’t understand John 3:16.”
“Well, it says ‘God so loved the world.’ I don’t understand it.”
“Yes, Gordon, I don’t understand it either. Why would God love such a world as we live in? This world is so full of violence and evil. It hates Him and does not obey His Word.”
Can you understand why God loves this world? Why should He love me; why should He love you? There really is no reason for it. But, God is love (1 John 4:8), and that is why He loves us.
Then Gordon said an amazing thing. “He would have died for me if I were the only sinner.”
That is also true. If I were the only sinner in this world, Jesus still would have died for me. It would have been as necessary for Him to die on the cross just for one sinner as for a world of sinners.
It may be hard to understand, but God only expects us to believe it to enjoy the good of it. That verse says “whosoever believeth”; it does not say “whosoever understands”.
Something else in that verse I want to tell you. The person that believes in Him will not perish -be put into hell after he or she dies. That is true, but that isn’t all. It goes on to say that the believer has everlasting life. God not only spares you from hell when you believe on His Son, the Lord Jesus, He gives you everlasting life so you can be in heaven with Him forever. Isn’t that marvelous!
One other thing Gordon said before we left him. “Don’t stop praising the Lord.” Many of you do know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour. If you do, “Don’t stop praising Him.” That is what we will be doing forever in heaven, so why not start right now. It will honor the Lord Jesus and will bring happiness to your own heart. Thank Him today and every day for that love so great and free.