WHAT a magnificent announcement, and it is made by God Himself!
God has found a ransom, for so we may read in Job 33:24, and you will notice that it says not, “You must find a ransom,” although in fullest truth we were the debtors, and it was incumbent on us to pay our debt and find our ransom if possibly we could.
But that was impossible; our debt had amounted to a measure that was far beyond our ability to liquidate, nor could we by any means find in ourselves or in our best endeavors a ransom adequate to such a liquidation. Indeed the same book tells us that we “cannot answer him one of a thousand” (ch. 9:3), and if that be so—if it were possible that we could exonerate ourselves before Him of the criminality of one, we should still be charged with the nine hundred and ninety-nine damning offenses.
How overwhelming!
But in point of fact we cannot answer Him for that one, and therefore we are placed at the bar of absolute condemnation.
Hence we read that “all have sinned,” and that “all are under sin!”
The case is thus hopeless! Further, why are we not commanded to find a ransom?
For two reasons―first, we are utterly unable to furnish by any means an atonement equivalent to the enormity of our guilt; and second, because the holiness of God, and His abhorrence of sin, are such that no ransom we might propose could meet the claims of His Throne.
Hence the prophet said, “Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?” (Mic. 6:7.)
Certainly not! A costlier oblation cannot be conceived than the sacrifice of your first-born, yet even that is inadequate.
So, we read again, “By the deeds of the law shall no flesh living be justified in his sight” (Rom. 3:20). Let that one brief sentence suffice!
Well, then, neither can we answer for our guilt, nor supply an atonement.
What is to be done? Our guilt is apparent, our poverty proved, our condition deplorable.
Hearken to the announcement of divine and welcome grace, “I have found a ransom!”
It bursts upon the forlorn ear of poor, fallen, guilty, and helpless men, like a chord of heavenly music.
List, oh, ye needy ones! A ransom―an atonement has been found! It was necessary. The outraged claims of justice were clamoring aloud for the ransom price. The very heavens had been sullied by human sin, and were not clean in God’s sight (Job 25:5). They too cried out for an atonement. The whole creation had been soiled, perverted, ruined, alienated by the awfulness of our sin, and it craved reconciliation.
Could man, the sinner, the offender, the rebel, supply the ground of this? Impossible! Once more our first statement breaks upon us with ever increasing delight and wonder, “I have found a ransom.”
God Himself, the offended, has in purest love found the atonement. His grace has supplied what His justice demanded.
“Behold,” He says, “the Lamb of God that take away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).
And again, “Having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things to himself, whether they be things on earth, or things in heaven”―here we have the future reconciliation of all these things on the ground of the blood of the cross― “and you that were sometime alienated... yet now hath he reconciled” (Col. 1:20,21). Here we have the present reconciliation of believers on the same precious ground― “the blood of his cross.” And this, notice, is all God’s work, what He hath done and will do. The ransom and the reconciliation are His finding. One can only say, “What a charming thing is grace.” Oh, how it suits poor things like us. “By grace, ye are saved!” How it magnifies God! How it enriches man! “He giveth grace and glory” (Psa. 84:11). Now, He who found the ransom merits all the praise.
Yet I may not finish without begging you, dear reader, to observe most carefully that whilst in Col. 1:20 we read of the reconciliation of all things in heaven and earth, there is no reconciliation of things under the earth. No, what is under judgment remains there forever. There is no extension of mercy to the lost in hell. For them there is neither reconciliation nor hope, “larger hope,” or any other kind. “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still” (Rev. 22:11); and therefore I earnestly beseech of you while yet on earth that you avail yourself of the atonement that has been wrought by the blood of His cross―believe in Him who died and paid so vast a ransom; that you may know here, and now, the joy of being reconciled to God.
“‘A ransom for all!’ Hear the marvelous story
Of Jesus, the Saviour, who came from the glory,
The lost to redeem, and God’s children to gather,
By suffering, and death on the tree.
Sing! ‘A ransom for all,’
Sweet fruit of the Saviour’s loud call―
‘It is finished!’ Hallelujah!
Jesus died on the tree―
‘Died for all’―hence for me.
While here upon earth―then e’en welcoming any―
His life Jesus promised, ‘a ransom for many,’
But now that His work of redemption’s accomplished,
The Spirit declares ‘tis ‘for all.’”
J. W. S.