I, If I Be Lifted up.

THE cross draws us to Him, that He may draw us to God. A proof of the utter ruin of man is the fact that Christ does not attract his heart. He sees “no beauty” in the One who is the center of heaven’s worship — the object of the Father’s delight — that he “should desire Him.”
“Lifted up” as Son of Man — exalted now as Prince and Saviour — He is coming soon as “Lord from heaven.”
WE find the truest comfort, in connecting the present and future of those we love who are gone from us, with the present and future of Him whom they are with, and whom we long to see — “With Me in paradise”; “them also which sleep in Jesus shall God bring with Him.”
Sweet will that meeting be
With those we mourn;
Now sleeping calm in Thee
Till Thou return.
Severed ties shall be no more,
Tears and sighs for aye are o’er,
When heavenward we shall soar
To share Thy throne.