“You know,” said a Christian lady who was visiting a young girl, “that Jesus died for us”?
“Yes,” said the girl, “but I know something better than that; I know He died for me!”
A chord was struck in the visitor’s heart which instantly vibrated to the touch of those important words. They were friends in a moment and forever. The dear uniting name of Jesus was precious to both. They were one in Christ Jesus. The simple yet strong faith that delights in these words, is sweet to the heart, and brings us near to Himself.
“Jesus died for me!” There is no truth more plain in Scripture, and none more assuring or comforting to the heart. The cross is the fullest expression of His love, and the foundation of all our blessing. Though now in glory, the Lord puts nothing between our hearts and Himself, and neither does faith.
“Ascended now in glory bright,
Life-giving Head Thou art;
Nor life, nor death, nor depth, nor height,
Thy saints and Thee can part.”
But alas, alas! are there not many for whom Jesus died, who cherish no gratitude for His love, no memorial of His death? Yet He died willingly, voluntarily, that they might be saved from endless woe. What can the Lord Himself think, what can heaven think, what can all enlightened minds think, of such unaccountable ingratitude? How unmitigated must the remorse of the ungrateful be in the hopeless depths of hell forever!
Some time ago a young man was introduced to a preacher after having listened to his discourse; and on being asked if he was a believer in Christ, he replied, in rather an offhand way:
“Of course I am, I have always believed in Him, we have no one else to believe in. He died on the cross for us.”
Without contradicting him, the preacher said, “May I ask how old you are”?
“I am seventeen,” he said.
“Well now, my dear young man, will you answer me another question? If you believe that Jesus died on the cross to save you from the pains of hell, have you ever really, when alone, knelt down and thanked Him for it?”
“No,” was his honest reply.
“Then, you must be a stranger to Him. He will say to all such, ‘I never knew you: depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity.’ Sleep not, young man, for your soul’s sake, for Jesus’ sake; sleep not until you have considered your ways and turned to the Lord. Only think, you have reached the age of seventeen, and never thanked the Lord Jesus for all He has done, that you might be pardoned and saved forever!”
But are there not many who are chargeable with the same neglect of the Lord Jesus?
Let the love of Jesus, who died for sinners, move your heart to grateful love and admiration of that blessed one. He finished the work of man’s redemption on the cross; He now rests on the throne in glory, waiting for you. He will hear your prayers, see your tears, rejoice in your faith, and listen to your praise and thanksgiving. Then tell to others,
“Jesus died for me!”
“The Son of God who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” (Gal. 2:20).
Of Him and His love will we sing,
His praises our tongues shall employ
Till heavenly anthems we bring
In yonder bright regions of joy.