“NO one ever had a more earnest desire to be saved than have; but, do what will, I cannot have that comforting feeling of which I hear others speak.” So said an aged country-woman to me, the emotion of her heart finding vent in tears as again and again she asserted that her desire was real, her strivings and prayers earnest and long continued.
I asked, “Can you find me a verse in the Bible, which says that feeling is an evidence of salvation?” She considered a little, and could not remember one.
“Do you generally feel joy at hearing good news, before you believe what is told you? For instance, if some one told you that some property had been left you, would it afford you any feelings of joy, if you did not believe the person who told you?”
“Why, no, of course not,” she readily replied.
“Listen; as a sinner, living in sin, you need forgiveness; as a sinner, dead in sin, you need life. And in order to be really happy, you ought to know that forgiveness and life are yours. I will just ask you to follow me as I read a few passages from the word of God, which show that faith, not feeling, is the true way of getting the blessing. Turn with me to Acts 13:38, ‘Be it known unto you that through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins, and by Him all that believe are justified from all things.’ Now look at John 3:36: ‘He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.’ You notice that it is by faith, or belief, that forgiveness of sins and eternal life are ours.”
“Why to be sure,” said the old woman; “I never saw it in that light before.”
“Let us read again. (See 1 John 5:11). ‘This is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son’; and not only has He given us life, but would have us to know that we have it, for in the 13th verse the apostle says: ‘These things have I written unto you that believe on the Name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life.’”
A ray of joy lit up the sunburnt cheeks of the poor weary-hearted woman, as the Spirit of God began to show her that God’s gift is eternal life, and that God’s will is that we might know that we have it, not through years of wearisome doing, but by believing His word.
I continued, “Listen to another text in the 10th of John, verse 28: ‘I give unto My sheep eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of My hand. My Father which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand.’
“This passage shows us the care the Lord Jesus and His Father take of those to whom eternal life has been given. As a little babe learning to walk is held by its mother’s hand on one side, and its father’s on the other, and thus secured from harm, so the Lord Jesus and His Father hold the feeblest believer, and no one on earth, or in hell, can ever pluck him away, for Their love is as great as Their power. As a parent would not allow any evil person to take away his babe, so God our Father, only in a far better way, takes care of all who trust in Him.”
“Why, to be sure, how stupid I have been,” the old woman exclaimed, as the light dawned upon her soul.
I then asked her to look at another text (Col. 3:3), from which I sought to show her that as we did not hand over our valuables to our babies to take care of, so God had not trusted His gilt to us. God has hidden our life in Christ with Himself—hidden it where Satan can never find it. More than that, just as noblemen leave their jewels in safe custody when going abroad, so God has taken care of His children; and the enemy of our souls must break through all the power of God before he can reach the feeblest believer’s life, for it is “hid with Christ in God.”
As I rose to leave, tears of joy coursed down her wrinkled cheeks, as she heartily shook my hand and expressed the fervent thanks of her heart. In parting, I besought her affectionately, as I now beseech my reader, if anxious to know forgiveness of sins, not to look within for evidence of salvation, but to read it where God has written it in a dying Christ on the cross—in a glorified Christ in heaven. For the word of the living God endureth forever.
H. N.