A man, whose heart was unmoved by the love of Jesus„ resisted every effort made by his minister and friends to convince him of the truths of the Bible.
At last all gave up the hope of his conversion but one humble Christian, who continued to pray for it. After some time it came into this poor man’s heart to visit his rich neighbor. He thought of what he would say, and even prepared a suitable argument; but on arriving at the house and being shown into the man’s presence, words failed him: he broke down utterly, and could only exclaim with tears,
“O sir, I want you to know my Savior!”
Then he turned and left the house; but what a fine speech might not have effected, the tears had done. The poor man’s anxiety touched the unbelieving heart, so that it became anxious too, and was led at last into “repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Readers, have you ever asked yourselves why so many preach to you? why so many gospel stories are written for you? why friends and relations are praying for you? It is because we want you to know our Savior. God wills your salvation; Christ died for it. His messengers are pleading with you. All are in earnest. Won’t you be in earnest, too?
“I have a Savior, He’s pleading in glory,
And O, that my Savior were your Savior too!
For you I am praying, I’m praying for you.”
“God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8.