"Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest" (Joshua 1:9).
It is the Lord who speaks these words,
"I will be with thee," Child,
In mountain-top experiences,
Or in the desert wild:
"I will not fail thee, nor forsake,"
His love would tell His own,
And every moment of the way,
His presence He makes known.
"I will be with thee," "Peace, be still,"
The waves and billows cease,
"I will be with thee," Oh! what joy,
His presence giveth peace!
We only know His presence, as
We walk the path with Him,
Depending on Him, day by day,
May faith be never dim!
"Be strong and of good courage," then,
The Lord is on thy side,
In heav'n He intercedes for you,
The One who for you died;
With nail pierced hands, He pleads His blood,
The remedy for sin,
And all who trust His precious blood,
Have perfect peace within.
His love is just the same today,
As when on Calvary,
He yielded up His life to God,
To set the sinner free:
In every circumstance we meet,
We're sheltered by that love,
We're shielded and drawn closer, to
The heart of Him above.
Oh! then, here in the wilderness,
Are lessons bright to learn,
Of countless mercies day by day,
As we the path sojourn;
Compassions every morning, from
His gracious heart of love,
And mercies without ceasing,
Every moment we will prove.
Of His faithfulness, His goodness,
And His kindness let us sing,
And every day His praises tell,
Our Shepherd, Priest, and King,
May we exalt Him, and extol
The Name of Him on high,
For Jesus loves the same today,
As when He came to die.
Oh! may we value every time
The Lord says "Come apart"
To learn more of His matchless grace,
His ever loving heart;
While sitting in His presence
Drink in riches of His grace,
Enjoying now this portion, 'till
We see Him face to face.