John 14:3
The Lord Himself shall come again,
His promise stands for ever sure;
For us He has prepared the place,
His Father's house our home secure.
And where He is His own shall be,
To share with Him His joys on high;
For them He will Himself return:
Rejoice! Rejoice! for He is nigh.
The Lord Himself shall come again,
From heav'n He quickly will descend;
His welcome shout we soon shall hear,
Our pilgrim pathway soon shall end.
The dead in Christ in glory rise,
His living ones are made most fair;
Together all caught up will meet
Their Lord and Savior in the air.
The Lord Himself shall come again,
With all His saints, to take His throne;
He'll reign supreme o'er all the earth,
He'll hush the wide creation's groan,
Then Israel shall tell forth their joys,
The nations sound His endless fame,
The deserts blossom, as they cry,
"O! praise the Lord, proclaim His Name."
The Lord Himself shall come again,
We see the day approaching fast;
Though scoffers may His words deride,
They all shall be fulfilled at last.
His Bride must with the Bridegroom dwell,
The Lord of lords supreme must be;
He's King of kings, and He must reign—
"Lord Jesus come,—we wait for Thee!"