A SHORT while ago a party of four Christians were busily engaged in visiting the houses in one of the far-off valleys of the Highlands. It was a wild weird-looking spot, surrounded by bleak barren hills stretching away on either side of a narrow stream which ran along the bottom of the strath, as far as the eye could reach. We were leaving some little books at every house, and inviting the people to some gospel meetings that were to be held on the two following nights.
Knocking at the door of one of them, an elderly woman appeared, and, in response to our invitation, asked us to come in and have a talk with her.
We went in, and soon found ourselves seated round the fireside, with her and her daughter, a young woman who seemed to be about five and twenty years of age, and whom we found was both deaf and dumb.
We at once felt interested in the latter, especially as her mother told us she had learned to read and write, and would like us to have some conversation with her. Taking up a pencil and paper which she herself had got ready for us, one of her visitors wrote down some questions, to which this dear soul gave the following interesting answers.
“Do you love Jesus?”
“God's Word says, ' He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; ' and also, Whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' Can you say that you have this?”
“I am not sure if I have or not yet.”
“Will you believe what God says if I show you from His Word how you may know it?”
He then turned to those precious verses in John 5:24 and 1 John 5:13, and pointing them out to her, wrote down on the paper,—
HATH, not hope (John 5:24).
KNOW, not feel (1 John 5:13).”
“Do you believe? Then, on the authority of God's Word, you have everlasting life.”
“I am not sure.”
“Why do you say ' not sure,' when God says he that believeth hath everlasting life?' If you believe, GOD says you HAVE everlasting life. Now which is it to be,—your own doubts and fears, or GOD'S own Word; uncertainty, or certainty; hope, or HATH?
Satan wants you to doubt God's Word and be unhappy, but God would have you rest simply on what HE says, and, if you believe on Jesus, to know that you ARE saved and HAVE eternal life. Won't you just rest there, and then all will be bright and clear?”
“I believe Jesus Christ is our Savior.”
“Whom did Jesus die for?”
“For sinners or ungodly.”
“Are you one?”
“And a very bad one?”
“Well, it says, He came into the world to save sinners.' I believe Him, and know He died for me, and that He is my Savior. What can you say?
“If I believe Him, I shall be saved.”
A little disconcerted at this reply, her visitor simply underlined the first three words, “IF I believe," and then handed back the paper to her with a look of surprise. For a moment she seemed very thoughtful, and then suddenly took up the pencil, and scratched out the little word "if," while a smile lit up her countenance.
Her visitor continued,—" But I believe, and an saved,—not shall be saved,—because God says so.
If I were to die tonight I should be with Christ forever.”
“I wrote it wrong," was her answer.
“Well, dear soul, which is it with you? are you simply trusting on Jesus as your Savior? If so, God says you ARE saved, and would have you to know it.”
She then wrote down, “GOD SAYS SO, I believe Him, I have everlasting life.”
At this moment the remainder of the party, who had been visiting elsewhere, entered the house.
One of them took up the conversation with her, and addressing her on his fingers, put several more questions to her, all of which she replied to with a bright and confident look, leaving no doubt to any present that her soul was now resting on the Word of God in the simplicity of a little child.
And now we would just ask each reader of these lines, Have you everlasting life? It is God's free gift to lost and ruined sinners. Reader, have you seen yourself in the light of His holy presence as a lost and guilty sinner, perishing on destruction's broad road and needing a pardon for your many sins? If so, the scripture is plain, "Whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins" (Acts 10:43). Are you wanting ETERNAL LIFE?
Listen then to the oft-repeated story of God's grace. Ponder over the depths of mercy it contains. 'Tis for thee! 'Tis for thee! “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not perish, but HAVE everlasting life.” What has God done?" SO LOVED," and "GAVE." What have you to do? BELIEVE! and HAVE! Oh, let that weary heart of yours drink in of the ocean fullness of DIVINE LOVE, and rest this very moment on God's unerring Word. “He that believeth on the Son HATH everlasting life" (John 3:36).
Perhaps this will meet the eye of one who does truly believe in Jesus—God's Son, but yet is not sure of possessing this eternal life. You would like to be, would you not, but fear to say so? Let me point out the mistake you are making. God has never asked you to say you have it. It is He Himself that SAYS it in His Word, as true of every one that believeth. Like this dear deaf and dumb one, just take Him at His word. "God SAYS so,” was what she rested on; and so could add, "I believe Him, I HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE." Look not at your poor changing feelings. Give no heed to Satan's many lies. Rest simply and solely on “the WORD of the LORD that endureth forever.”
Reader, once more we ask, Have you this everlasting life? Remember, “he that believeth NOT the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).
W. R. P.