THERE is a feeling pervading the nations that some great event is going to take place, which is not without foundation. Before Christ came into this world more than eighteen hundred years ago, there was a general feeling that something was going to happen; and now, just before He comes the second time, there is a similar feeling, in some more intelligent and definite than in others,—but there is the feeling something is going to happen, something unusual and striking, and something that will greatly affect the affairs of this world!
The above was the advertisement of a new 18c. book. It may be sensational in its character, but its title is wonderfully suggestive― “If Christ came to Chicago.” I have not read this book, but wish only to speak of the title. It suggests the fact that Christ―the earth―rejected One―is coming. He, who has been hidden in the heavens so long, is coming back, ―first to claim His people; and, at the close of the great tribulation that is to come upon all the world (Rev. 3:10), He will appear in righteous judgment upon the apostate nations, at which time He will find a remnant of Israel and of the nations ready to receive Him.
It is not merely a question of Christ coming to Chicago, and how He would be received, and what He would do if He came; but of the fact of His coming, ―first, to receive “His own”; and then in awful judgment, by which the millennial age will be introduced (Isa. 40:1-12).
Now then, it is of all importance for us to see that when Christ comes it will be, first to claim “His own,” when they will be “caught up to meet him in the air” (1 Thess. 4:16-18), and so be forever with the Lord.
Observe the event which is immediately before us, and which is so soon to happen (we know neither the day nor the hour), is the Lord’s descent into the air, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.
This being the case, ―the undoubted fact revealed in the Word of God, ―the great question with us is, “Are we ready to meet Him?” Are we really amongst those designated “His own,” and a part of the “Church of God,” formed by calling out from the world a people redeemed by the blood of Jesus, and separated to God; who have been converted to God, to serve Him, and to wait for His Son from heaven, even Jesus, the deliverer from the wrath to come? (1 Thess. 1:9, 10.)
Now, while there may be other questions of great importance, yet this is the greatest of all― “Am I ready to go in with Him to the marriage when He comes?” There is to be a company that will be ready, and a company who will not be ready, and who will be shut out forever (Matt. 25:1-10). Oh, then, how great the importance of being ready! ―that is, being saved. If the reader has not been born again, redeemed by the blood of Christ, and sealed by God the Holy Ghost, he is not ready. An empty religion without a personal acquaintance with Christ is of no avail. “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again;” “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:1-8).
Christ is coming―not to Chicago, ―but He will descend, and the saints, dead and living, will ascend to meet Him. What a moment for the Saviour, and for them; for the Redeemer, and the redeemed! He comes to claim those for whom He died; and they, by virtue of His blood, ascend with him to enjoy the unclouded light of the presence of God forever.
Dear reader, if that event were to take place today, would you be amongst the number that would be caught up to meet the Lord? or would you be left behind? What an awful thought―left behind! If unsaved, may the Spirit of God give you to feel the awfulness of what it would be to be left behind, and your doom sealed forever.
Now―today―you can have your happiness sealed forever, by turning to God, trusting in His blessed Son, and being saved. Then, what joy it would give you to wait for God’s Son from heaven.
E. A.