If You Please Make Me a Christian

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A missionary said, I well recollect in the course of my labors, a poor Hindoo youth who followed me about the garden of the school, asking of me to make him a Christian.
“It is impossible, my dear boy; it is possible only through the Lord Jesus Christ ... Pray to Him.”
How well I recollect the sweet voice and face of that boy, when he soon after came to me, and said,
“The Lord Jesus Christ has come, and taken up His place in my heart.”
“How is that?”
“I prayed and said, O, Lord Jesus Christ, if you please make me a Christian! and He was so kind, that He came down from heaven, and has lived in my heart ever since.”
How simple and how touching!
“Lord Jesus Christ, if you please make me a “Christian!”
Can you say that you have made a similar appeal, in such a spirit as this poor Hindoo boy? Can you say, my young friends, that Jesus Christ has come down from heaven to live in your hearts?
Do you love Jesus who died to save you, reader?
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me,” Revelation 3:20.
ML 08/01/1943