HOW many dogs do you see in this picture? Probably, most of you can count them. Why are they in such a hurry? Do you think someone is chasing them? Oh! no. They are hunting dogs, and have started out with their master after game.
When they were running along and came to this high fence, did they stop? The picture answers us as we look at it. Some of the dogs went through a place where the boards were loose, but many jumped right over the fence and away they went as fast as they could go. These dogs will not stop until they have brought the game to their- master. What the game is we cannot tell, but we will hope the master of these dogs is hunting it for food, as it is very cruel to kill any of God’s creatures merely for sport.
We can learn a lesson from this picture. It is the lesson of faithfulness. The; boy or girl, who loves the Lord and starts out to follow Him, will find many things in this life to overcome. Some of these things will be much harder than it is for these dogs to jump over this high fence. Satan is always trying to lead God’s children into something that will be displeasing to Him. If we are not faithful and very determined in following Him, we will lose the joy which every Christian should hale of serving Christ here below.
How much happier we will be, if, when we are through with this life, the Lord can say to us, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou halt been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” Matt. 25:21.
“Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children.” Eph. 5:1.
Barnabas “exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord.”
ML 05/25/1902