A mother writes: — “I am sending twenty shillings to you to send four parcels of Testaments and tracts to soldiers and sailors, in loving memory of a dear Christian son, who fell asleep November 21St aged 21 years; and also for our only son, who is now fighting in the Holy Land, and who wishes to be a missionary (D.V.) for Christ’s sake.”―G. I.
This shows what the condition of things at the Front was. Our brave men are still exposed to all the hardships of a rigorous winter. Pray for them and send them the Word of God.
A lady writes: ― “Dear Sir,
“You will rejoice to hear that God has saved a Staff-Sergeant at the Canadian School of Cookery, through reading about ‘Jim’s Letter to the King,’ in the August number of ‘Message from God.’ He told me today, for the first time, that he has seen the light. He is anxious for the other men, and is confessing Christ, simply and faith· fully, and through his conversion it was made easy for me to speak to them collectively.”―E. A. H.