In Season

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
A Southern evangelist had been holding Gospel meetings in the rural sections of the South. Some of the roads in this area are still unpaved, and often the rocks and ruts in them put the best of cars to the test. Our friend had not spared himself nor his car in his desire to reach the lost with the "good news" of salvation, and now the car must be overhauled before further use.
It was quite a distance to the city over rough roads, and on the morning set for his departure the rain was falling in torrents.
Nevertheless, after prayer, he set out on the muddy road. Ten miles out of the town the car slipped into a ditch. The evangelist had felt certain that God had led him to start, so he committed this mishap to Him.
In pouring rain and mud he walked to a small farm-house. His knock was answered by a call,."Come in.”
There sat a man with a group of little children around him. He was trying to dress one little fellow. The preacher asked if the man could get a mule and help pull his car out of the mud. The man looked up. Tears were running down his face. "I'll help," he said, "as soon as I can dress these children. I buried their mother yesterday.”
With silent sympathy the servant of the Lord took one little girl on his lap and put on her ragged stockings. Helping with others, he sought to comfort the father with the story of the love of Jesus.
"I ought to be a Christian," said the man.
"My wife talked to me a lot about it, and now I have these kiddies to raise. I surely need the Lord.”
Putting his arm around him, the evangelist said: "Let's settle that right now!" On their knees they looked to God for the salvation of the man's soul, and He graciously answered their prayer. God has said: "Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
As the two men and the awe-struck little ones rose from their knees rejoicing in the fact that "this day is salvation come to this house," a feeble sun-beam struggled through the window. The rain had ceased and only a few clouds were scattered across the blue sky. With the aid of the farm mule the evangelist's car was soon back on the road, and he went on his way rejoicing in the "mishap" that had been used of God to bring a sin-sick, sorrowing soul "out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9.