In the Hollow of a Hand.

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LATELY a gentleman was walking through his fields when lie heard the cries of a bird apparently in distress. Looking up, he saw a lark hotly pursued by a hawk, which by a series of fierce dashes tried to secure his prey; but the lark was for a time successful in evading the attacks. The hawk, however, was gaining the mastery, and the lark, terror-stricken, seeing the man below, came down like an arrow, and fluttered actually into his hand, where it cowered trembling. The hawk followed until within six yards, but seeing what had occurred, he flew off in disgust. When the lark was liberated it soared upward, singing doubtless a song of gratitude to its deliverer.
How safe and happy was the little wanderer! But not half so safe and happy as those who have “fled for refuge” from the power of sin, and Satan’s malice, to the Lord Jesus Christ! Of these He says, “They shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of My hand. My Father which gave them Me, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand.”
Are you, dear children, in that refuge? You know how afraid of the man the little bird would have naturally been; but in the presence of a greater danger, its terror overcame its timidity, and it flew to the only place of shelter. May each of you flee for refuge to Jesus where no harm can come to you, and He will hide you froth the judgments that are coming upon all who despise God’s invitation to come to His blessed Son for salvation.
May you truly say:
“Thou art my hiding place; Thou shalt preserve me from trouble; Thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.” (Psa. 32:7.)
Jesus is a lasting Saviour,
Ever will His love endure;
Souls which rest by faith upon Him
Are eternally secure.
ML 08/20/1916