In the Regions Beyond.

Bihar, India.
Dear Dr. Wreford,
Just a line to thank you for the gift of Testaments and the booklets, which have been prayerfully and carefully distributed among Hindu, Moslems, and Santal demon worshippers. The recipients have been chiefly those who who have never before possessed a copy of God’s Word. We find them in distant villages, markets, railway stations and schools. My stock is quite exhausted, and I shall be very pleased if you can send a few more for free distribution especially as my wife and I have in view serving the Lord again it Shilling, Assam, during the months of April, May and June. On previous visits there, we met many hungry for the Word of Life, and it will be a great joy again to be able to give them the pure Word of God. The hill men come there from distant places, Tibet, Nepaul and other parts.
With many thanks, and soliciting your fellowship in prayer for above service,
Yours by grace, F.R.