In the Temple

Listen from:
Luke 2:22-39
When God saved the oldest sons of the families of Israel in Egypt, He said every first born son belonged to Him, and was to be “presented” to Him (Ex. 22:29, Num. 3:13). Joseph and Mary obeyed God’s words, and when the Baby Jesus was a few weeks old brought Him to the Temple in Jerusalem.
The words said by the priest are not given, but in this act all acknowledged, the first son belonged to God.
While they were in the Temple, a man named Simeon came in. The Spirit of God had shown this man that before his death he would see the promised Christ. When he saw the Baby Jesus he knew He was the Holy One promised. He took Him in his arms, and thanked God, and said,
“Mine eyes have seen Thy Salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people, a Light to lighten the Gentiles, and the Glory of Thy people Israel.”
A woman who was known by all to believe the promises of God, also thanked God that His promise was fulfilled, and told others of this Holy Child.
Joseph and Mary “marveled” at the words said about the Baby Jesus. They had believed the messages of the angel that this Child would save Israel (Matt. 1:21, Luke 1:32), but they had not seemed to understand He would be so great, as to be the Saviour for all people, as the shepherds and Simeon said. Mary must have wondered, that He “would be spoken against” and that sorrow, “as a sword” would come to her heart. But we know those words came true when that Holy One, Jesus, was refused.
You may hear Mary spoken of as “the Queen of Heaven,” and other such titles, but those were not given in the Bible, and it is not written that she should be worshiped. Very little was written of Mary, except to show she fully believed God’s words; she spoke of herself as from a humble home, “low estate” (Lu. 1:48); for her sacrifice in the Temple, she had two doves or pigeons, as were brought by poor pele of Israel, instead of a lamb (Lev. 12:8).
Mary knew she had sins and needed a Saviour, for she said,
“My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.” Luke 1:47.
When she heard the message to the shepherds of a Saviour, she thought much about those words, she “pondered them in her heart.” She did not forget them. She must have loved the Baby Jesus as a good mother, and learned to love Him more as her Saviour.
From the Temple Joseph and Mary must have gone again to Bethlehem (about six miles), for the wise men visited them there, and after they had gone, God warned Joseph to take the Baby Jesus in haste to Egypt. From there they went to Nazareth to live.
ML 10/15/1944