In Thy Youth

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
“I HAVE found Christ, thank God!” said a middle-aged man to us, the other day, “but it was not until I was over fifty years of age. Alas! that I should have lived the best part of my life without Him!” Our friend had the marks of age upon him, gray hair, and stiffness of frame—the freshest and brightest part of life had departed from him. What a regret to look back upon so much of life spent in the service of the world and of sin! Oh! how little do young men and women appreciate the blessing of giving God their youth—their best days, the strongest and heartiest time of their short life “In thy youth,” dear reader, give yourself to God for His service and honor. “In thy youth” be out and out for Christ, a good soldier for Him. Let not this year pass by while you remain still undecided. Say not in your heart, “Why should not I delight myself in the world and its joys as do others?” for Jesus the Son of God beckons you to a nobler life; He calls you to self-sacrifice and devotion, in which you shall have joys beyond all that this world ever gave to its servants.
Dear young readers, the truly happy life is that which is given to God and to Christ. There are more joys found in His service than in all the pleasures of the world, and we appeal to you, now in your youth, to devote yourselves to Him.