Incidents of Our Testament Distribution.

Our Emptying Shelves
Our special appeal for 1922 is being answered by God, and we feel sure that before long our shelves will be filled to repletion again. It is all for Christ.
One of the first answers to our-request was this card: —
“What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.”
We thank the anonymous sender; it brought its message of assurance to our hearts.
And so did this anonymous gift of £5: ― “With deepest thankfulness to God. And may God bless you, dear Dr. Wreford, in your precious and beautiful work. How blessed and wonderful will be the fruitage; but oh, the joy of that moment when God Himself shall reveal the full results, and all heaven shall ring with the music of that sweet word, ‘b Well done! Well done!’ Till then, Numbers 6:24.”
A dear Christian friend sends today a gift and writes: ― “With earnest Christian greetings and prayers and interest and sympathy in your work for God and man. I am sure it would be of great interest to know how this special work evolved and developed in your hands. It may be that the Spirit of God will lead you to reveal some of His leadings in some of your writings one of these coming days.”
Editor’s Note: ― If I could tell, it would all redound to His praise, for it would show that nothing could have been done without His help.
The Cry of the Tamil Poet
And here is the cry of the Tamil poet tittered a thousand years ago; and a terrible cry it is. The cry is still coming from millions today. Will you hear it and help to answer it?
From a Tamil Poet 1,000 Years Ago
Lost in the darkness I wander,
Where is the light? Is there no light?
Nothing know I but I wonder,
Is there no light? Where is the light?
Lord in the vastness I wander,
Where is the way? Is there no way?
How may I reach Thee I wonder,
Is there no way? Where is the way?