“Seek Him Who breaketh spear and bow,
Though not a clash is heard;
Seek Him Who lays the legions low
By His almighty word.
Cry, cry to Him, the Lord of peace!
‘Tis He Who “maketh wars to cease.”
Lucy A. Bennett
Story of a Khaki Testament
One of the finest officers it has been my privilege to meet told me the following pathetic story: “After the battle of Bois-en-hache, on the left of Vimy Ridge, he was sent with a N.C.O. and eight men to the battlefield to place crosses on the graves of the Sussex men who had fallen. On arriving there, he found the body of a young lad lying in a shell-hole up to the waist in water, and still unburied. He told the corporal to hand him his identity disc, and on it was the name of Private Garrod. Then he saw a khaki Testament sticking out of his breast pocket, and asked for that to be handed to him also, and although it was soaked with water, he could see that the boy had filled in the decision form at the end of the Testament with his name. Then one of the party told the lieutenant that when the lad had fallen wounded into the shell-hole, the men in the trench nearby could not get to him on account of the fierce enemy fire going on; but he was seen to pull out his little Testament, read a few verses, and then replace it in his pocket. After that he cried a little, and then passed away to meet his Lord, whom he had previously decided to serve. After the lad had been buried, the officer, as they stood around the grave, thanked God for the lad and all those fallen trusting in Christ.
J. W. Moodie