From Anstey’s Doctrinal Definitions:
This is a short period of time in prophecy (about 75 days) which will occur at the end of the Great Tribulation, but before the Millennium begins (Isa. 10:5, 25; 26:20; Dan. 8:19; 11:36, etc.). Many details in prophecy happen in this condensed period of time which every prophetic student needs to take note of and understand. During this time, Gentile armies will attack Israel (the Jews actually), and after having destroyed the mass of the Jews in the land (who are apostate), the Lord will intervene on behalf of the nation by coming out of heaven personally (the Appearing) to judge those armies and to restore a remnant from the twelve tribes of Israel. Thereafter, He will defend Israel from any further attack (e.g. Gog), and begin His millennial kingdom reign, at which time the remnant of Israel will be blessed in a new covenant relationship with Him (Jer. 31:31-34). This period is called “the Indignation” because it is when the Lord will vent His indignation upon the mass of the apostate Jews in the land who have rejected Him and have received the Antichrist (Isa. 57:9; Rev. 13:11-18). His indignation will also be poured out on faithless Israelites among the ten tribes (Ezek. 11:9-10; 20:33-38; Rev. 14:18-20).
To accomplish His indignation against the apostate Jews, the Lord will employ “the King of the North” and his ten-nation Arab confederacy (Psa. 83:6-8). These Islamic nations have a deep-seated, long-standing hatred for Israel and will be glad to join forces to attack and destroy them (Psa. 83:1-5). They will sweep through the land of Israel from the north to the south and devastate it, killing about 10 million Jews in a matter of a few days! (Dan. 11:40-41; Zech. 13:8) This is called “the Consumption” (Dan. 9:27; Isa. 10:22-23; 28:22).
After these armies have passed through the land of Israel, they will enter into Egypt and conquer that land as well (Dan. 11:42-43). As the King of the North will be making his way into Egypt, the armies of “the Beast” (the ten-nation confederacy in the West – Rev. 13:1; 17:12-14) will come into the land of Israel from the west to defend that territory which they believe is theirs (Num. 24:24). It is at that moment that the Lord will come out of heaven with His armies of glorified men (His Appearing) and will destroy the armies of the Beast with “the brightness of His coming” (2 Thess. 1:8; 2 Thess. 2:8; Rev. 16:13-15; 19:11-18).
At the same time, the Lord will execute “the Harvest” judgment by dispatching His angels to cleanse the western prophetic earth (Christendom) of all who have rejected the gospel of the grace of God. Those dealt with in this judgment will be merely professing believers who have abandoned their confession of faith in God (apostates). This will be a discriminating (selective) judgment, where the angels take the unbelievers out of the earth and cast them alive into the lake of fire (Matt. 13:37-43; 24:39-41; Rev. 14:14-16). The first of these will be the Beast and the Antichrist (Rev. 19:20).
When the King of the North is in Egypt, he will hear tidings that a heavenly Warrior has appeared, and will turn northward to
meet Him in battle in the land of Israel (Dan. 8:25; 11:44). The Lord will have indignation against these armies and will execute His judgment on them (Dan. 11:45; Isa. 30:27-33; Isa. 59:19b; Joel 2:20; Zech. 9:8; 14:3).
After the Lord judges the western powers under the Beast and the armies of the King of the North, He will restore the nation of Israel. This will be a remnant of all twelve tribes, and will take place in two phases:
The King of the South will come up into the land of Israel (1). The King of the North will come down and decimate the land and defeat the King of the South, and then enter into Egypt (2). While the King of the North is in Egypt, the Western powers under the Beast will come in from the west (3), at which time the Lord will come out of heaven and judge them (4). The King of the North will then return into the land of Israel from Egypt and be destroyed by the Lord (5).
When the remnant from all twelve tribes of Israel is dwelling in their promised land under the protection of the Lord, Gog and his enormous confederacy (who gather in the land of Edom) will mount an attack on Israel (6). The Lord will defend Israel and destroy those godless armies, after which the armies of restored Israel will put down any remaining people on their promised inheritance (7).
The Lord will show Himself to the remnant of the Jews (the two tribes) who will mourn in repentance, upon which they will be restored to Him (Matt. 24:30; Zech. 12:9-13:1).
The Lord will gather the ten tribes back into the land of Israel and restore a remnant of them to Himself (Matt. 24:31; Ezek. 11:9-10; 20:34-38; Zech. 13:4-6).
Then, when a remnant of all twelve tribes of Israel is dwelling safely in their land under the protection of the Lord, they will be attacked by the last confederacy of Gentile nations under Gog—Russia and its confederates (Ezek. 38-39). At that time, the Lord will defend Israel from these armies by roaring out of Zion to destroy them in what is called “the Winepress” (Vintage) judgment (Rev. 14:17-20; Isa. 63:1-6; Joel 3:12-14). The Lord will go out from Jerusalem to the land of Edom (the trans-Jordanic lands southeast of Israel) to destroy the confederate armies of Gog that will be assembled there (Isa. 34:1-10; 63:1-6; Hab. 3:3-16). After this, the armies of restored Israel will go out and possess their full inheritance promised to Abraham by putting down any remaining people situated on their rightful inheritance (Psa. 47:3; Psa. 108:7-13; Isa. 11:14; Jer. 51:20-23; Ezek. 39:10; Obad. 17-20; Micah 4:13; 5:8). This will mark the end of all wars and the end of the Indignation (Psa. 46:9; Zech. 9:10). After this, the Millennium (the 1000-year reign of Christ) will begin.
Daniel 11:36 indicates when “the Indignation” will begin. The prophet states that the willful king of the Jews (their false messiah—the Antichrist) will reign up “till the Indignation.” Other passages of Scripture indicate that he will reign in the land of Israel as the Jews’ king until the time when the King of the North attacks, at which time he will flee from his post (Isa. 22:19; Zech. 11:17). Revelation 13:5 indicates that the Beast and the Antichrist will continue in their roles for 42 months (3½ years), which is the latter half of Daniel’s prophetic week (Dan. 9:27), the period of the Great Tribulation (Rev. 11:2). Putting these things together, we learn that the Indignation begins at the close of the Great Tribulation with the attack of the King of the North. Isaiah 10:25 tells us when “the Indignation” will end. The prophet indicates that it will be over when the Lord judges Gog and his confederacy—viewed in Isaiah as the Assyrian’s second attack (Isa. 10:26-34).
This means that the Indignation will only last 75 days. This can be computed from three verses in Daniel 12. These verses indicate three extensions to the seventieth week of Daniel (Dan. 9:27)—each extending from the middle of the week (Dan. 12:11; Matt. 24:15). These dates mark three stages of Israel’s deliverance.
• At 1260 days or “time, times, and a half” (Dan. 12:7; Rev. 11:3; 12:6, 14) the remnant of the Jews are delivered from the Antichrist.
• At “a thousand two hundred and ninety days” (1290 days) (Dan. 12:11) the remnant of the Jews are delivered from the King of the North.
• At “the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days” (1335 days)—the remnant of all twelve tribes of Israel are delivered from Gog (Dan. 12:12).
Thus, the 75 days (2½ months) of the Indignation are the period from 1260 days to 1335 days. This shows that Israel’s deliverance will not occur in one day.