On several occasions we have written of the marked trend of the times, and the shaping up of international alignments for the time of the end—the preliminary steps toward the revival of the Roman Empire of the West; the intransigence of Russia and the displaying of her characteristic features of which prophecy speaks; the anti-Jewish agitation of the Arab world, divided into those north and those south of Palestine. Now some of our readers may wonder if these foreshadows of things to come are receding, or perhaps being obliterated, by the peaceful talk emanating from Soviet Russia.
The July meeting of the high officials of four great powers seemed to augur well for a peaceful solution of international strife. Some subsequent conciliatory moves by the Chinese added to this supposition. It is still our considered judgment, however, that while there may be some relaxation of tensions from time to time, yet things will continue to move generally in the same direction. While we cannot know what things may take place between now and the moment when the prophetic word concerning this world will be accomplished, we can speak with assurance of the final outcome, for Scripture has spoken, and we are as sure of its accomplishment as though it were already fulfilled. If the end therefore is certain, we may well expect that the overall general pattern will be toward those developments.
A general feeling that an era of peace and security has come to the world, is not a good sign from its standpoint, but rather a bad one, for just before the sorest judgments fall on this Christ-rejecting world, men will be saying that they have achieved "peace and safety." "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." 1 Thess. 5:3.
Western European nations have been brought closer together through mutual fear of Russia than we might ever have expected to see before the Church was called home. This is definite preparatory work for that future wicked alliance. And while their fears may be somewhat allayed by soothing assurances from Russia, yet when disillusionment comes it will bring greater disappointment and a faster pace than ever toward confederation.
There is no real indication of a change of heart in the leaders of world Communism, nor of their avowed purpose of world domination. It seems to be for their advantage to have a lull in the strife so that they, may put their own house in order. Their own ends can be best served temporarily by peaceful overtures. We have heretofore quoted from the will • of Peter the Great of Russia, how he advised that peace and war should be subservient one to the other in the expansion of Russian power.
In 1919 a prominent Russian official said: "We are willing to sign an unfavorable peace. It would only mean we should put no trust whatever in the piece of paper we should sign. We should be using the breathing space so obtained in order to gather our strength so that the mere continued existence of our government would keep up a worldwide propaganda which Soviet Russia has been carrying on for more than a year."
It is a well-known fact of history that many kings and rulers have often negotiated peaceful terms in bad faith. The Word of God told before it happened that the ruler of Egypt would sit down at the same table with the ruler of Syria to make a treaty, and that, they would both "speak lies at one table." (Dan. 11:27.)
The United States Senate Committee that has studied Russian diplomacy and acts, said that in the past 38 years the Soviet Union has broken its word to virtually every country to which it gave a signed promise. In the last 22 years they have made 52 major agreements with the West, and broken 50 of them. This may be understood in the light of a remark by Joseph Stalin: "Words must have no relations to actions—otherwise what kind of diplomacy is it? Words are one thing, actions another. Good words are a mask for concealment of bad deeds. Sincere diplomacy is no more possible than dry water or wooden iron."
God's Word declared almost 2700 years ago that there would be a power which would be marked by deceitful dealings: "Woe to thee that spoilest, and thou wast not spoiled; and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee!" Isa. 33:1. This chapter follows the one which tells of the Messiah's reigning, after having put down the Assyrian (or king of the North), and the false king in Jerusalem, and this brings us to a power that will come against Israel after they are brought back to their land by their Messiah—Russia of Ezekiel 38 and 39.
Whether the so-called "meeting at the summit" in Geneva last July could produce any real lasting effects with this background is more than questionable.
But as Christians we need not be troubled by these world movements, for our prospect is the coming of the Lord. Not one thing needs to be accomplished before we hear that shout, "Come up hither."
"Daily nearer draws His coming, This makes all His own rejoice."
May we be found laying up treasure in heaven where it cannot be stolen or corrupted, and where wars will not affect it (Luke 12:33).
The lull in armed conflict is having a definite result in another way. The god and prince of this world is using it as an opiate to dull the senses of the men of this world. Never before in all history has there been so much leisure, wealth, pleasure, and general self-indulgence, as today. Mankind seems thoroughly devoted to gratifying every lust and whim, to having what is called "a good time." Together with this there is still an increase in religion, but men in prosperity become harder to reach about their soul's need. Thus peace and prosperity will together lead many down to the pit, whereas the danger of death by armed conflict tends to make men think of the hereafter. Nevertheless we should be faithful in warning people to flee from the wrath to come, and presenting the gospel of the grace of God.
In closing, just a word of warning and caution for Christians. The things by which the enemy is blinding the unsaved so that they can be happy on the brink of hell are also calculated by him to sap your spiritual vigor and mine May God grant us grace to be much cast upon Him to be kept in these difficult times of the last days. We need to keep our loins girded (our affections bound up by the Word) and our lights burning (our testimony undimmed) while we wait for our Lord (Luke 12:35, 36). And in a day of general self-indulgence we should practice self-denial while we take up the cross (fellowship with His rejection by the world) and follow Him (Matt. 16:24).