The writer of these Bible Outlines wishes, first of all, to explain what his intentions for them, are not, and then to express the positive hopes and desires.
He is not aspiring to give a profound, detailed explanation of the meanings of Scripture, but rather to encourage the daily reader of God’s Word to systematically and slowly read it. His desire is that the reader may be helped by these simple thoughts which he has gleaned for himself and also borrowed from those who have lived in the joy of a life fed and nourished by this blessed Book.
The Bible opens heaven to every true believer in Christ “to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled ... reserved in heaven for you,” NOW (1 Peter 1:4), and in time, takes us there. “Being born again ... by the Word of God, which lives and abides forever” (1 Peter 1:23).
It is God’s thoughts, His work of grace and His revelation.
It is inspired by God (2 Tim. 3:16), but written by about 40 different people over a period of 1600 years.
No other Book in the world is “the truth.” It is right concerning everything (Psa. 119:128).
Read it to be wise ... Believe it to be saved ... Practice it to be holy ... and Obey it to be happy.
It is a MINE of WEALTH ... a RIVER of PLEASURE ... and a PARADISE of GLORY.
There are three sections to this new Series, each one having 365 Chapters (approx.), each marked “Day 1” and so on, but not dated, and covers most Books of the Bible.
We shall begin by taking up 5 steps in a believer’s life ...
1. Salvation.
2. Separation from the world.
3. Our life as God sees us (as a priest before Him).
4. Our life through and before this world.
5. God’s thoughts about us and for us.
These five steps are like Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. With each Old Testament Book we will then read a New Testament Book which gives the believer in Christ the doctrine and practices necessary to enable him (her) to learn the next step. So then, on through the Bible, alternating between Old and New Testaments.
We learn Christian doctrine only from the New Testament, but we see that the Old Testament gives us illustrations, and so beautifully too; and, on occasion, providing us with added details, not found in the New Testament!