IS all well with you? I do not ask if all is well with you in things temporal, but is all well with you in things eternal? You may perhaps ask, What am I to do to have all things well with me in eternity? You can do nothing. It would be rather late in the day for you to do anything to obtain salvation, even if it were possible, seeing that God has done everything that is needful nearly two thousand years ago. And what has He done? You will find what He has done in John 3, ver. 16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Though the world hated God, God loved the world, and proved His love by sending His only Son, “not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” Come, therefore, before God, as a lost and ruined sinner, owning that you cannot do anything for yourself, and believe the good news, that “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Jesus came from His Father’s home on high, and died on the cross for guilty man, and if you believe in Him, it is true of you—
All thy sins were laid upon Him,
Jesus bore them on the tree;
God who knew them, laid them on Him,
And, believing, thou art free.
What marvelous grace in the Son of God that He should die for the ungodly; but it is as true as it is marvelous, and if you now believe, you have everlasting life, and all the blessings which flow out to sinners from that death.
If you refuse God’s grace, you are treating Him with contempt, whether you mean it or not; and remember that “God has appointed a day in the which He will judge the world,” and while it is blessedly true that “he that believeth shall be saved,” it is equally true that “he that believeth not shalt be damned.” I entreat you therefore not to delay: your eternal interests are too serious to be put oft to some future day, a day that for you may never come. Today God is offering you salvation, tomorrow may be too late. Come to Christ, the loving Saviour, now; and then if you are asked the question, Is all well? you shall say through God’s grace, Yes, all is well.
All is well for the believer, however long his pilgrim days may be; all is well, should he be called to die. And if all is well during the present dark night, oh, how well in the coming day! The hours of the night are passing fast: soon, very soon, the day will dawn, and the darkness of the night change to “the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds.” H. M. D. P.