I WAS the third son of a publican living in the north of London, and when I was only about seven years old my mother was suddenly snatched away by death.
She was in her thirty-ninth year, and was a strong, healthy woman, but just previous to her death she had, poor thing, fallen a victim to strong drink, through my father’s bad treatment, they say.
I can remember quite well the accident which caused her death. It was the Sunday after Christmas Day, 1874. We had just finished dinner. My poor mother was in her bedroom, and my father had locked the door, when suddenly we heard a scream, followed by a violent ringing of the bell. In trying to escape through the window she had fallen to the ground, and was picked up dead. Without a moment’s warning she had passed from time into eternity, and “In the place where the tree falleth there it shall be.”
Oh! dear reader, take heed to this solemn truth. Who can tell what a moment may bring forth? What would be your end, should you be thus cut off? Where would you go? Remember, if you die in your sins, you will be raised in your sins, and judged in your sins, and cast into the lake of fire in your sins. Oh! take heed, I pray you—take heed! —
“All things are ready—come!
All hindrance is removed,
And God in Christ His precious love
To fallen man has proved.
“All things are ready—come!
Tomorrow may not be;
O sinner! come, the Saviour waits
This hour to welcome thee.”
Well, ten years had passed by since this sad event; my father had lain for about three weeks on a sick-bed. He had had similar attacks before, and the doctor had told him that one of them would take him off; and so it turned out. On returning home from business one evening I was told he had suddenly fallen back on his pillow, exclaiming, “God have mercy upon me,” and died. Again, “In the place where the tree falleth there it shall be.”
Five years passed by, and, unheeding these solemn warnings, I went on my way. Often I listened to the glad tidings of God’s grace to lost sinners; but still without Christ, having no hope, and without God in the world, I vainly tried to satisfy my heart with the pleasures of sin. But God, who is rich in mercy, heard the many prayers offered by friends on my behalf. One Sunday afternoon I was sitting in my lodgings feeling very dissatisfied with myself and my surroundings, when I noticed a new book lying on the table, the title of which I found to be “Grace and Truth.”
After glancing through the preface I commenced to read the piece “No Difference.” I had not got very far before I threw down the book, and began to pace to and fro the room, exclaiming, “Absurd nonsense! no difference between me and a thief — pshaw! no difference between me and a murderer — bosh! Why, I’m not even so bad as J — G —, and he is not half a bad sort; and, besides, I believe in the Bible.”
However, I could not rest; the words “no difference” kept ringing in my ears. I felt thoroughly annoyed and upset. Eventually I resolved to go and hear Mr. E — preach at the Baptist Chapel (where I had attended the watch-night service about ten months before), and off I went, still feeling rather put out.
But God had His eye on me, and gave His servant a word specially for me I believe, for the scripture from which he preached was Romans 3:22 and 23, “THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” I hardly knew how to keep my seat, and felt myself turn very red. Oh! how I thank God for that word, and for that sermon, for Mr. E — had not been speaking very long before I was compelled to cry out from my heart, “Lord Jesus, I receive Thee as my Saviour.”
How intently I listened to every word! I shall never forget it, nor shall I ever cease praising God for it, for there and then I passed from death unto life, from the power of Satan to God―
“Saved for glory —
Wondrous story,
Saved by Jesu’s precious blood.”
I could but say of myself, “Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?”
And now, dear reader, permit me in love to your soul to ask, Where are you? You may be a child of godly parents, but there is no difference. You may be a strict religionist, but there is no difference. You may be a great moralist, but there is no difference. You may be a poor profligate, still, there is no difference: for “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”
Yes, blessed be God! there is also “no difference” before Him, for “the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him,” “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”!
“Take salvation,
Take it NOW, and happy be!”
T. G. P.
“And others save with fear, snatching them out of the fire.” — Jude 23.