"Is That in the Bible?"

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A FRIEND of mine was speaking to a businessman the other day and telling him something that was in the Bible. The businessman seemed quite surprised, and said, “Is that in the Bible?” He did not know it, and had not taken the trouble to look.
What would you think of a man who set out to cross a mountain, carrying a guidebook and maps with him, but entirely neglected consulting them? If he wandered off the trail and perished falling over a precipice, he would only have himself to blame, when he might have taken the right way and been saved.
“There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 16:25. This is not the only time we find this statement in the wonderful book of Scripture—the Proverbs. It is a marvelous guidebook for young and old. It is a book that is full of the TWO WAYS.
What excuse will you be able to make to God in the great day of reckoning if you have neglected His Word? You will be condemned then. You will perish. And yet the way to heaven is so plain that scripture tells us: “the wayfaring men, though fools shall not err therein.” Isaiah 35:8.
Awake, my friend, to the importance of the moment. Repent and believe the gospel!