Memory Verse: “Now once in the end of the world hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” Hebrews 9:26
Tom was born and grew up in Ontario, but when still a young fellow, he went to Michigan and got a job in a department store. He worked hard and was responsible, so that time came when he had a fine position in the firm and a good salary.
Well alas, like many another young fellow, Tom got into bad company, and lost his job through drink. From then on he went from bad to worse. In his wretched condition he found life a burden, and decided he would commit suicide. But God’s eye was upon poor Tom, and He did not leave him to himself. By some means or other he came into possession of a Bible which he diligently read. His eyes were opened to see that he was lost, guilty and condemned.
Then one day a friend suggested that he should go and hear an evangelist who was holding some gospel services in a nearby town. Tom gladly respond and drove to the place in a blinding snow storm. Several times on the way he thought he would return home, but felt impelled by some unseen power to press on. That night the preacher read the wonderful word of Isaiah 53:5, 6: “But He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
Tom was sitting in the very front seat, and during the reading of the precious scripture, he suddenly rose to his feet and with deep emotion asked, “Is that in the Bible?”
The speaker replied that it was, and added, “I will show it to you.”
When Tom had read the wondrous declaration that God had laid all his sin on Jesus, that He had been wounded for his transgressions and bruised for his iniquities, he exclaimed, “Thank God, that is enough for me!” And he left the meeting rejoicing — saved. Tom saw that Jesus died in his stead, and by believing on Him, who bore the wrath and curse due to him, he was saved forever (Acts 16:31), and had eternal life (John 5:24).
Tom’s life Afterward proved the reality of his conversion to God. Old things passed away and all things became new. The Bible was to him the “joy and rejoicing of his heart.”
He shut himself up in his cabin, and for several weeks he read and meditated on the Scriptures, only taking time to do his chores. Then from a heart filled to overflowing with love to Christ and sinners, he went to the school houses and told the “old, old story of Jesus and His love” in freshness, simplicity and power. The result was that numbers were led to know Christ as their Saviour and Lord.