Is the World Improving?

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
IT is a common thought that things in this world are improving, that people are more enlightened and that there is a state of general progress. An intelligent man expressed himself the other day in the opinion that "every man ought to leave the world better than he found it.”
But is this really the case? The only Man Who had power to bring about a better state of things here below left the world in a far more guilty condition than when He came; for it had added to its guilt and crime that crowning sin, the murder of Himself, the Son of God.
There are two great facts to which Satan always seeks to keep man's eyes closed: they are (1) his utterly guilty and lost condition, and (2) that God has but one remedy to meet his desperate case.
The fact is, that when Adam disobeyed and fell, the whole human race was involved in that fall. Man became a fallen ruined creature, and nothing could meet his need but a Savior, of God's own providing. This God's word teaches from the very beginning. But man is so slow to learn this lesson, and God in His great patience and long-suffering has allowed him to make trial under various tests, but in every case man proved a failure, as He so well knew he would.. But in due time God sent His own Son into the world Him they slew and hanged on a tree. The world was fully represented at that cross, Jew and Gentile sharing in the crime.
Need we be surprised to hear God speaking out plainly as to man's condition and how he stands before Him? It has been well "proved" that “both Jews and Gentiles" are "all under sin"—" all are gone out of the way; they are together become unprofitable."" All have sinned and come short of the glory of God"—"all the world... become guilty before him."1 This is God's judgment of the whole human race.
But He in His great love has provided one remedy to meet man in this deep ruin. He offers a free pardon and the gift of eternal life, to all who truly acknowledge their helplessness and guilt, arid who believe in His Son during this day of His grace. For be it known that He Who was crucified upon Calvary's cross is risen from the dead, and seated now on His Father's throne in glory, waiting till. He shall come forth to judge this guilty world, That day is fixed, and He the Judge is ordained. The world, instead of getting better, is hurrying: on to that judgment.
There is but one escape. The only hope set: before the sinner is Christ; the sure Refuge for all who flee to Him. Those who neglect this "great salvation" can by no means escape the coming judgment.
Let none be flattered and deceived by ideas of an improved state of things in this world (not in God's sight); but let them rather acknowledge the truth as to their guilt and irreparable ruin, and flee at once by faith to the Lord Jesus Christ, for shelter, pardon and eternal life.
It is true that where God's word is acknowledged and Christian influences have a place, things are indeed better; but this in no way touches the fact that man, as such, is a total wreck, and the world is filling up its measure of iniquity in readiness for the judgment. Reader, "Escape for thy life.”