The accusation of Israel's unfaithfulness and ungratefulness is told out to heaven and earth by the Lord. The moral condition of the nation, as having lost all sense of righteousness and understanding, is contrasted with the natural instincts of the brute beasts. (Isa. 1:2,3.)
If blessing is to come upon the remnant of Israel, it must be on the basis of forgiveness through the atoning work of Christ. Sacrifices will not do, although the "many" will set up the system again as a form. The sheltered remnant will not be aware of all that transpires, until the time that the Lord shows them His hands and feet. They will be spared only because God said, "When I see the blood, I will pass over you." This is the Passover aspect of the feasts of Jehovah, which comes before the Red Sea in type. (Lev. 23:1-9; Isa. 10:24-26.) Although the Passover feast is long past, historically, the remnant will know nothing of this but will be sheltered, nevertheless, because of it. (Rom. 3:25,26.) On this basis, through God's providence, they will return to the Land, though in unbelief, and will become the objects of mercy. (Rom. 11:25-32.) I speak of the time of Isaiah, chapter 1. Isa. 1:19 gives the remnant of faith—verse 20, the apostates.
The Lord will ease Himself of all of His adversaries, without or within.
As He turns His hand upon the remnant, it is for their purging. The dross and tin of the people shall be purged as the silver is refined in a furnace. Following this refining process, the judges shall be restored as at the first. (Judg. 2:16-23.) "Afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city." How complete will be the restoration for the city that shall command in dignity the tribute of the earth. This shall first be in the remnant of Judah. The order will be as formerly—judges, then the king.
Such are the firm but gracious ways of a holy, righteous God with His people Israel whom He has now undertaken to restore, personally coming out of His place and "making bare His arm." This is the announcement of the day of the Lord, the tribulation under the antichrist and the beast having come to an end.