Isaiah 29

Isaiah 29  •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 9
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Chapter 29 continues this solemn strain. The city where David dwelt was once Ariel, meaning “The lion of God”, but it was to be brought low, Though Hezekiah, a godly king, was either on the throne or shortly to ascend it, the state of the people was as described in verses 9-13. Their eyes were closed to God and to His word. Neither the learned nor the unlearned had any reference to His word, and any fear Godward that possessed them was taught “by the precept of men”. Consequently their religion was mere lip profession without heart reality, and therefore offensive to God. No wonder that judgment came from the hand of God.
And thus it always must be. We find the Apostle Paul alluding to this scripture in Acts 13:41, for he spoke of prophets— in the plural— and so he did not only have Habakkuk 1:5 in his mind. If men close their eyes against the light and turn things upside down, they have to reap the fruit of their ways. How much of today’s religion is just a matter of drawing near to God with the mouth while the heart is far away from Him? Let each of us judge ourselves as to this matter.
Though judgment against Ariel was executed soon after Isaiah’s day, yet the terms of the prophecy go far beyond that, for the destruction of her foes is plainly announced in verse 7, and again at the end of the chapter. The adversary will be judged, and those amongst themselves who were watching for iniquity and making a man an offender for a word will be cut off. This will only come to pass at the end of the age, and then the name of the God of Israel will be feared and sanctified, and those that erred shall be rightly taught.