ISIS  -  Redefining the World

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 12min
 •  9 min. read  •  grade level: 12
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For several years the ISIS group has been prominent in world news. Its ruthless use of power in carrying out its terrorist actions have affected many parts of the world, and despite every attempt to limit its influence, it continues to be a major factor in world affairs. At the time of writing this article, the recent downing of a Russian passenger aircraft in the Sinai desert, coupled with a major massacre of civilians in Paris, has left the world shaken and terrified.
The ISIS group has become the successor to the Al-Qaeda group, which gained notoriety ten to fifteen years ago for its Islamic extremism and terrorist activities. But ISIS is not merely an outgrowth of Al-Qaeda, although its ideology and long-term goals are similar. Nor is it simply another splinter group, intent on doing whatever harm it can to so-called infidels in the name of Allah. Rather, it is an organization of Sunni Muslims that proposes continued conquest, with a view ultimately to take over the world. It has an extremist view of Muslim beliefs and regards as infidels not only those of other religions, but even Muslims who do not agree with their ideology and goals. As another has commented, “Much of what the group does looks nonsensical except in light of a sincere, carefully considered commitment to returning civilization to a seventh-century legal environment, and ultimately to bringing about the apocalypse.” It believes that the end of the world is imminent and considers itself a major player in this crisis. It is interesting that they also believe that “an army of Rome” (presumably an army of so-called infidels) will ultimately be defeated at Dabiq in Syria and that this will usher in the beginning of the apocalypse. They look for a final day of judgment by God and wait for one who is almost like a “messiah” to them, called Imam Mahdi.
Its Beginnings
ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, began back in 1999 and actually joined hands with Al-Qaeda in 2004. But in 2014 Al-Qaeda separated from them, and lately ISIS has been far more conspicuous than Al-Qaeda in its activities. As the name implies, the group is composed largely of Sunni Arabs from Iraq and Syria, although it controls some territory in several other Muslim countries, such as Afghanistan and Nigeria, and has adherents in many other countries. In 2011, it became involved in civil war in Syria, seeking to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Assad. In June 2014, it proclaimed itself an Islamic state, with authority over all Muslims worldwide. It considers this authority to supersede any other local or national authority, whether political or military. It is easy to see why its influence is frightening to most of the world. As well as its original Sunni Muslim adherents, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East, Europe and North America.
The funding of ISIS comes from a number of sources. They have taken control of significant oil fields in their conquered territories and sell this oil on the black market at cut-rate prices. They also plunder ancient sites of antiquity, stealing artifacts which they also sell on the black market. Since the sale of antiquities in the world is poorly regulated, this is not hard to do. In addition, they tax the people of their conquered territories rather heavily and gain considerable revenue from this. They are known to receive significant contributions from Sunni individuals and underground organizations in other Muslim countries. Finally, they receive substantial rewards from bank robberies and also the extraction of “protection money” from those under their control, who pay to avoid reprisals from their Mafia-like operations.
The Changing Face
In the last few years, ISIS has definitely changed the world. Up until the end of 2014, it was well-known that some European countries, notably France and Germany, were somewhat favorable to Islam. While condemning terrorist acts, they often spoke out against the involvement of the U.S. and other nations in operations against Islamic insurgents, particularly the war in Iraq. The immigration of Muslims to these countries was encouraged, and the population of France became 5-10% Muslim, mostly of the Sunni persuasion. Islam was viewed as a peaceful religion. But all this began to change on January 7, 2015, after a brutal attack on the offices of a satirical magazine in Paris and two days later another attack on a kosher bakery that involved hostage taking and eventual bloodshed. Although there was no large-scale backlash from this, the government began to take a much harder stand, and this attitude extended to other countries in the European Union.
Now, after another series of violent attacks in Paris, leaving well over 100 people dead, there has been the predicted strong reaction of public opinion. Civilians are looking with suspicion on all Muslims, who quite justifiably are beginning to fear reprisals. Again, this attitude is extending to the rest of the European Union, as they view the ruthless carnage of ISIS. France is now taking a much harder line towards “uncontrolled immigration,” and the whole of Europe is now on its guard. This is fueled in part by the thought (probably well founded) that some of the refugee immigration does, in fact, consist of disguised ISIS militants.
Russian Opposition
Also, Russia has become involved, and now seems anxious to ally itself with the West in an attempt to control the spread of terrorism. Previously, Russia (and the former Soviet Union) could usually be depended upon to support whatever regime the West was against, often supplying arms to those nations that were in conflict with the West. As recently as a year ago, in the middle of the Ukraine crisis, the atmosphere between Russia and the West was very frosty, to say the least. Now this has changed with regard to extremist Muslims, and we see Russia heavily involved in Syria, seeking the overthrow of ISIS.
Prophetic Significance
In the light of prophecy, these developments may well have significance. Much as we deplore the escalating violence in the world, we can rest assured that God is working “all things after the counsel of His own will” (Eph. 1:11). The hearts of men in this world may well be “failing them for fear,” but the believer knows that all the purposes and movements of man will only accomplish God’s purposes in the end. Islam’s determination to conquer and rule the world will never come to pass, nor will God allow man to continue indefinitely on his course of violence and corruption. But in all these situations today, God is surely lining up nations for an apocalypse on His terms — one which will herald the return of the true Messiah — our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Three Main Protagonists
We know that during this final conflagration, there will be three main protagonists — the Roman beast and his armies, the king of the north and his forces, and eventually Russia and whatever allies she may have at that time. ISIS may well be used of God to define these three groups and their attitudes more sharply. At the beginning of the last prophetic week — the seventieth week of Daniel 9 — Israel will make a covenant of protection with the Roman beast. “He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week” (Dan. 9:27). But God in His goodness will not allow this to stand, and we know from Isaiah 28 that their “covenant with death shall be annulled” and that their “agreement with hell shall not stand.” The Roman beast will break his covenant with Israel after three and a half years and will “cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease” (Dan. 9:27). The Antichrist will take over, leaving Israel prey to an invasion of the king of the north, who is probably a confederation of Arab nations. When all the rage and hatred that is now held in check is let loose on Israel, it is easy to see why Scripture refers to this invasion as “the overflowing scourge” (Isa. 28:18). Eventually the king of the north, after going down into Egypt, “hearing tidings out of the east and out of the north” (Dan. 11:44), will return to the land of Israel. He will “plant the tents of his palace between the sea and the mountain of holy beauty; and he shall come to his end, and there shall be none to help him” (Dan. 11:45 JND). The armies of the beast will take no immediate part in this, but hearing of the devastation, they will appear on the scene, perhaps coming to Israel’s aid. But instead, they meet the Lord and dare to make war with Him. The annihilation of his army is prophesied in Revelation 19. The beast and the false prophet (the Antichrist) are “cast alive into a lake of fire,” while the remnant are “slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse” (Rev. 19:20-21).
Finally, Russia, who has stood apart from all this, will enter the scene. By this time the Lord will be in the land of Israel, ready to defend His people. But Russia, having seen the end of both the king of the north and the beast with his armies, will “think an evil thought” and will plan to go up “to the land of unwalled villages  ...  and to them that are at rest, that dwell safely” (Ezek. 38:10-11). They will think to invade the land of Israel and to attack “the people that are gathered out of the nations” (Ezek. 38:12). They will come “as a cloud to cover the land” (Ezek. 38:16), but instead they will “fall upon the mountains of Israel” (Ezek. 39:4), as the Lord defends His land and His people.
Setting the Stage
Are we seeing the stage set for all this now? We do not want to read too much into current events, but it is easy to see that groups like ISIS may well eventually mobilize the Arab nations through their loyalty to Islam. Today many moderate Muslims decry the excesses of ISIS, but as the Antichrist raises his head, this moderate attitude may well disappear.
Likewise, if public opinion in some parts of Europe has been relatively neutral toward Islam, we may well see a hardened attitude as the episodes of violence increase. In all of this, it is easy to see how loyalties and attitudes can change quickly, as God orders all to accomplish His purposes. This will happen to the nations forming the kingdom of the beast, for He will “put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast” (Rev. 17:17). The fear of terrorism may well be a factor the Lord uses to accomplish this. But all is in order that He may “gather together in one all things in Christ” (Eph. 1:10).
For ourselves, we can rest amid the turmoil and strife in this world, while feeling the burden for souls and seeking Christ’s interests down here. The day of grace will soon be over; our part is to be faithful to the Lord in a difficult day.
W. J. Prost