JOHN 19:30
OH! the blessedness of knowing that a full, free, perfect and everlasting salvation is mine! mine now! mine by God's appointment! for the shed blood of Christ is to every one free. (See 2 Cor. 5:15; 2 Peter 3:9.) The poorer the wretch the welcomer he! Its power is almighty—its virtue divine, to cleanse souls completely though filthy as mine.
“But now in Christ Jesus." (Eph. 2:13.)
'My chains are snapt! the bonds of sin are broken!
And I am free:
Oh, let the triumphs of His grace be spoken
Who died for me!
O death and hell! I cannot dread your power:
On Jesus, in that dark and dreadful hour,
My guilt was laid.
Yes, Jesus bore it! bore, in love unbounded,
What none can. know:
He died—but then revived, and so confounded
The awful foe.
He's now up there! proclaim the joyful story,
And I in Him am raised to endless glory,
And ne'er can die!'