One morning early, reading my Bible in bed, late last July, I came upon the most wonderful verse that relates to our Christian experience quite as much as to the burnt offering of the Tabernacle. This was the text. Read it and pray over it, dear friends, and extract the wondrous honey out of its honeycomb. Leviticus 6:13: “The fire shall ever be burning on the altar; it shall never go out.”
Grant that it may be so with us. When once we are His, and tasted of His love, and our hearts burn with loving fire towards Him, let us see to it that it is ever burning to do His pleasure; His will, not ours. “It shall never go out.” Keep it burning by asking Him to give you something to do for Him every day, something to deny self to please Him, and others for Him.
Think of the millions in His beautiful world who have not yet heard of His love! Have we done anything yet to light that fire? Are we seeking to save precious souls for whom He died, and who as yet have never had a chance. Let us pray that our fire may never go out. Prayer will keep the fire ever burning— “it shall never go out.”
In your sitting-room, if the fire is burning low you use the poker to stir it up; so, if your spiritual fire has become low, use your spiritual poker-prayer.
Emily P. Leakey.