"I've Swallowed It!"

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 4
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“This is a beautiful country,” said Clark to his rancher friend with whom he was staying, as he rose early one morning in the mountains out West. As Clark drew back the drapes he looked out on the clear rushing, tumbling waters of the mountain stream, and throwing open the window he breathed deeply the pine-scented air.
“This is my Father’s world,” he mused; and then as he left his room, he quoted aloud, “When there were no fountains abounding with water; before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth.” (Prov. 8:24,25.)
“Yes,” said his host, “this is beautiful country; but how I wish that Christ and His truth were better known here. Do you see that man way over there at work? That is Peter. He’s clever, and he knows this district like a book. He’s a dependable worker, too. But try and talk to him about the Lord and you’ll get nowhere!”
The two strolled that way, and Peter was introduced. Taking a little booklet out of his pocket Clark said, “I’d be delighted if you would accept this, Peter.” Peter took it very reluctantly.
The next day Clark left the district.
About a month later Clark was back to visit his friend, and to meet Peter. “How did you like the tract I gave you?” he asked.
“Well, I’ve swallowed it,” and Peter seemed quite embarrassed and irritated with the presence of the visitor. But he accepted a second tract. And once again Clark disappeared.
Another month passed and back came Clark—back to a more cheerful Peter than on his other visits.
“Peter,” said Clark, “if I give you a New Testament, will you swallow that, too?”
“Yes, sir, but I don’t want to be in debt to you for it. I’ll buy it from you; that I surely will.”
“Fine! I’ll be glad to have you do so. Here it is,” said Clark, handing Peter the beautifully bound New Testament.
Peter lifted his eyebrows and drew a soft whistle. “What’s the price?”
“The price is just this: when through it God teaches you the truth, you must read the portion to six other men and teach them.”
“Them’s queer terms, sir; could you be joking?” asked Peter smiling.
“I surely am not! That’s the only payment I’ll take.”
The ranchman hesitated, scratched his head, and viewed the lovely little volume. Then he agreed and the Book was his.
Months went by, and Clark grew anxious to meet Peter again. Then he caught sight of a man hurrying along the road. He recognized it to be Peter, and called out to him.
“Sure enough,” said Peter, “it’s the evangelist. Welcome, my friend.”
“What are you doing way out here, Peter?”
“I’m paying for the Book. Come and you shall see.”
Peter led the way to a hollowed-out spot behind some shrubs. There were six men eagerly watching out for him, waiting for him to read to them and explain the truth he had learned from his Book.
Like Andrew the disciple of old was the Clark of our story. His business was to bring others to the Saviour. Nor did he rest with just contacting a person just once. Where he couldn’t get a word in he would thrust in his silent messenger, and there in black and white was the story of redemption—“Christ died for the ungodly.” “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” (Rom. 5:6; Acts 16:31; Isa. 45:22.)
In the gospels we read that Andrew brought Peter to the Lord. In another occasion he brought the little boy with His five loaves and two small fishes to Jesus and with them the Lord fed five thousand that day. Then again when certain Greeks came to Philip saying, “Sir, we would see Jesus,” Philip went and told Andrew and together they brought the message to Jesus. What a nice reputation Andrew had! If someone was seeking the Lord, and you profess to be saved, would he or she think of coming to you to be shown the way?
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” (John 14:6.)