January 29

Deuteronomy 33:3
“Yea, He loved the people; all His saints are in Thy hand; and they sat down at Thy feet; every one shall receive of Thy words”— Deuteronomy 33:3.
HERE God’s saints are seen in three places. They are in His heart: “He loved the people!” How precious to dwell in the bosom of Infinite Love! What rest in the hour of strife and in the day of distress! They are also in His hand—the place of security, as our Lord tells us in John 10:27-30, whence none can pluck them. Last of all they are at his feet—the place of discipleship, learning His mind and will that they may walk in His ways. How abundant the provision which He has made for the comfort, security and instruction of all His redeemed ones!
“Low at Thy feet, Lord Jesus,
This is the place for me;
There I have learned sweet lessons.
Truth that has set me free.
Free from myself, Lord Jesus,
Free from the ways of men.
Chains of thought that once bound me
Never shall bind again.
None but Thyself, Lord Jesus,
Conquered my wayward will:
But for Thy grace, my Saviour.
I had been wayward still.”