“When I see the blood, I will pass over you”—Exodus 12:13.
THIS was God’s word to Israel and He could not deny Himself. All who were sheltered by the blood of the lamb, sprinkled on the doorposts and lintels of their houses, were as safe from judgment that night as God could make them. No angel of destruction could enter. The blood stood between the first-born and the condemnation of death, and so it is today for all who have taken their place in faith beneath the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Lamb, shed for the redemption of sinners. Judgment cannot reach them for it has fallen upon their Substitute already.
“When God the way of life would teach,
And gather all His own,
He put them safe beyond the reach
Of death, by blood alone.
It is His Word, His precious word.
It stands forever true,
When I the Lord shall see the blood
I will pass over you.”