Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(enemy). Unknown person or place (Hos. 5:13; 10:6).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
Apparently a symbolical name for the king of Assyria. Israel had sent to Assyria for help; but Assyria had proved to be no help, but rather a Jareb, or “adversary, enemy” (Fürst) (Hos. 5:13; Hos. 10:6: Compare 2 Chronicles 28:16,20).
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
from 7378; he will contend; Jareb, a symbolical name for Assyria
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
let him contend
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
A revenger; an adversary; contender:―symbolical name of Assyria, Hos. 5:13. {Vindex}