Jesus and the Young Ruler.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
Mark 10:17-23.
DEAR young readers, have you ever thought of the question that the young ruler asked Jesus? He said, “Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” I think you will agree with me, that if there is such a thing as getting eternal life, it is important that we should know how we are to get it, for if we do not get it in this world before we die we will never get it at all.
This young ruler had a wrong notion as to how he was to get it. He thought he could do something to inherit eternal life. He evidently had the idea of meriting it, or purchasing it in some way. And this was all wrong, for Scripture says the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Rom. 6:23. It was not that this young man was not in earnest, for he was. He came to Jesus “running, and kneeled to Him.” He was not indifferent, or careless, as many people are now. He did honor to Jesus, though he did not seem to know that Jesus was the Son of God who could have given him eternal life as a free gift. He thought of Jesus only as a man, or perhaps a great and good teacher. And so he said “Good Master.” He thought Jesus was good, and evidently thought he himself was good, and capable of doing some good thing to inherit eternal life. But Jesus told him that none were good except God. And if that was the case, how could he inherit eternal life?
Jesus gave him to understand that if he was going to get it in this way, he must keep the commandments. But he thought he had kept the commandments from his youth up, and I daresay he honestly thought so. So Jesus put him to test. If he loved his neighbor as himself, would he sell all that he had and give to the poor? If he loved Jesus, who was the Lord his God, would he take up his cross and follow Him? No; when he heard this, it made him “sad,” and he “went away grieved, for he had great possessions.” He wanted eternal life, but he valued his possessions more; and could, not give them up. So he turned his back on Jesus. How sad!
Now let me give you a verse that will show you how to get eternal life.
“He that believeth on the Son bath everlasting life.” John 3:36.
It is not by our own good works, but by believing on Jesus the Son of God. God gives it freely to all who receive His Son.
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