Jesus David's Son and David's Lord.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
Matt. 22:41 46.
JESUS had already answered all the sects of the Jews, and revealed the condition that they and the whole nation were in. They had all been silenced, and now it was His turn to ask them questions. This he did in order to bring out His own position in connection with the nation of the Jews, whose leaders had manifested their enmity against Him, and their rejection of Him as the Messiah. They were His enemies, and the Scripture He quotes to them shows them the terrible position they were in.
He asks them, “What think ye of Christ? Whose son is He?” They reply, “The son of David.” Then, quoting Psalm cx, He asks, “How then doth David in spirit call Him Lord, saying, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit Thou on My right hand, till I make Thine enemies Thy footstool? If David then call Him Lord, how is He his son?”
They could not answer this question, nor durst they ask Him any more questions after that.
Jesus Christ was indeed David’s son, and He was David’s Lord also. He was God, and He was man. Being God He was David’s Lord; being man He was David’s son. The Jews did not see the glory of the person of Jesus, nor did they understand the Scripture which spoke of Him as David’s Lord, and David’s son. If they had seen that their Scripture applied to Jesus, they would have seen the terrible position they were in as His rejectors and enemies; for the passage shows that He would be rejected, and that Jehovah would call Him on high to sit on His right hand until He made His enemies His footstool. The unbelieving Jews, then, were to be made His footstool, because they were His enemies. What a solemn position they were in! Yet they persisted in rejecting Jesus, and in their enmity, they slew Him. But God raised Him from the dead, and afterwards seated Him at His right hand on His throne. And there Jesus still sits, waiting for the moment when His enemies are to be crushed under His feet.
Oh! what a moment that will be, when He will rise up from the throne in His glorious majesty, and execute judgment against those who would not have Him to reign over them. But He has not risen up for judgment yet. It is the day of grace, and of long-suffering patience. And while He waits in patience, all who submit to Him will be saved. O sinner, believe. Own the rejected and glorified Jesus, while mercy lingers. Own Him now. Tomorrow may be too late.
ML 09/06/1903