"Jesus Died for You"

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
A MISSIONARY went to Africa with his wife and three little children. He settled in a small village and began to tell the natives the story of God’s love to all the people of the world — black and yellow, red and white—and of how He sent His dear Son to die for their sins. The natives gathered around him; some listened eagerly to the gospel story while others only turned away and went on with their old religion.
The missionary’s wife and children all did their part and faithfully helped on the work. Freddie, the youngest, a little blue-eyed fellow with golden curls, was just four years old. He loved to talk to Sam, the “cookie” boy, who worked for the missionary, and with what fond delight he would show him each of his cherished toys.
One day Freddie looked up earnestly into his friend’s dark brown eyes and in a winsome tone he suddenly asked, “Sammy, do you know that Jesus died for you?” For just the briefest moment Sammy gave no answer, as if he waited to hear more from his little friend.
Then to his joy Freddie went on. “Yes, Sam, Jesus died for you and Jesus died for me. There’s no mistake about it; the Bible tells us, and so does my daddy; and of course, he ought to know.”
Sammy now fairly glowed with pleasure and smiled his broadest smile. Then with sweet assurance he replied to the query of the dear child: “Oh, yes, I know that Jesus died to wash away my sin. I know I’m black on the outside, but my heart is white on the inside. I’m on my way to heaven, cleansed by Jesus’ precious blood; now I’m trying to serve Him and tell others about Him too.”
Dear young friend, will you not trust Jesus too? He died for all, but would it not make you happy to be able to sing, “He died for me, and when He died He set me free.” Accept His free salvation today and be sure of heaven too.